Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Time For Change

Remember when your income tax was one (1) percent of your income? Well, I'm sure you don't, but that was the rate when personal income tax began in the United States. Now, it's. . .well, out of hand, as one would say.

Congress (both Houses of our Legislative Branch of government) seems to be interested only in themselves and the pork that will keep them able to focus on themselves, and investigating and castigating everyone that disagrees with them (note what has been the topic of conversation over the last few days).

Of all those running for President (who will begin a term in 2009) it's hard to know which one is the least scary. Or perhaps, I should just look to see which one is most scary and help to avoid him/her.

If I were a prophet I would predict that we are going to lose our Country. But I'm not a prophet, so I'll just say, I think we are going to lose our Country. We cannot survive with the current mindset, operation, and almost total focus on self-interest.

God knows we are going to hate being like all the other Countries.

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