Thursday, March 15, 2007


John 14:6 and Acts 4:12

I am becoming increasingly convinced that the evangelical Church is embracing and absorbing latitudinarianism. Many people have no idea it is happening because they have no strong attachment to Truth. Insufficient time and effort in establishing the Word of God in our hearts, or ignorance that allows practitioners of such foolishness to influence our thinking, had created an environment where extra-Biblical drivel survives and thrives.

In John 14:6, Jesus spoke clearly the message of the Gospel. In Acts 4:12, Luke records Peter’s address to the Sanhedrin in which he unmistakably condemns every religion as a lie.

Some religions claim that sinners are not justified by faith alone, through grace alone, by Christ alone (Roman Catholicism). Some extreme Word Faith movement followers damage the Truth of Christ in an effort to make ‘health, wealth, and happiness’ the focus of salvation.

We are often encouraged to accept all “doctrines” so that unity might prevail. To cling to, and express the Truth, is considered intolerance, and, for many, tolerance is the pinnacle of the enlightened mind. In the opinion of some, a simple affirmation of Jesus, and a lifestyle embracing any number of individual preferences, is preferable to creating division by exactness.

Be reminded that the enemy does not care what we believe as long as what we believe is not the Truth. Antinomianism invades our ranks and makes obedience elective. Sanctification is relegated to noncompulsory standing. Imputed righteousness becomes a non-issue. The most basic fundamentals of authority, inspiration, and infallibility of Scripture are left without a champion. Somewhere we must return to a core of objective Truth that is absolute and non-negotiable.

Jesus said, “you shall know the Truth, and the Truth will make you free.” Jesus also said, “I am the Truth.” I know He was right.

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