Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Altered States

If we ever needed wisdom, we need it now. Proverbs 1:7 says, “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.” John MacArthur defines fear of the Lord as, “a state of mind in which one’s own attitudes, will, feelings, deeds, and goals are exchanged for God’s.”

In our society there is a tremendous pressure, especially on those who are immature in The Faith, to follow people, ideas, practices, and actions that are totally antithetical to the Truth. It may be in the area of Worship and extended spiritual family relationships, or it may be in marital fidelities. It can arise in the political arena when so much is at stake from a nationalistic standpoint. While some speak of truth and wisdom, their words are developments of the human mind, figments of imagination, if you will, and while having a resemblance to Truth, are far wide of the mark.

Often our attitude is dependent on circumstances or emotions that have little or nothing to do with the work of God in our life. Our goal and actions are determined on the basis of pure pragmatism. Coming to the place where our will becomes His will is an arduous process when our focus is constantly distracted by those who would lead us into the pleasures of sin and the failures of humanistic philosophy.

What we need, then, is a shift in our thinking, or to be more explicit, we need an altered state of mind. We have most often been led to believe that an altered state of mind is a negative thing. It is one of those places in life where our mind has taken leave of its senses and failed to remain under control. But, perhaps, that is exactly what wisdom is, i.e., a state of mind where we are no longer in control, no longer expressing attitudes that disturb, feelings that create despondency, deeds that defy logic and morality, and goals that are rooted in the worthlessness of earthly pleasure. Rather, we must reach the state of mind that mirrors the Lord Jesus Christ Himself as he lived out the glory of the Father in a day-to-day pattern of obedience.

Our life exchanged for His. That’s the ticket to wholeness, happiness, joy and peace. That’s the path to successfully reaching His goals for our walk. That, you can be sure, is the road less traveled. No much, if anything, is more vital and necessary during these difficult days.

“A wise man will hear and increase learning, and a man of understanding will attain wise counsel. . .” Proverbs1:5

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